Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Wolf of Wall Street

Review Film Bagus – The Wolf of Wall Street
Genre: Biography, Comedy, Crime
Emotion rate: ★★★★★
Tears rate: ★☆☆☆☆
Curiosity rate: ★★★★★
Vulgarity: ★★★★
Satisfaction rate: ★★★★★
Well, good afternoon bloggers and movie lovers. Now, Dr. Ditho would like as kind as share to you a Review Film Bagus titles The Wolf of Wall Street. Well, it is an analogy, not the real wolf. Directed by Martin Scorsese and presented by Paramount movie production, this movie is telling you about the most talent stock broker names Jordan Belfort (Leonardo Dicaprio) from Rothschild, New York. He is just an ordinary guy living in ordinary life together with his ordinary wife names Teresa. One day, he just start his new job in a stock market leaded by an amazing person names Mark Hannah that really kind to him. It is good in the beginning, until there is a part when the market fall and the place where he works go broke. So, he decides looking for another job with different specification of his skill. However, his wife is not agree and advice him to looking for a job that is qualified with him, as a stock broker. He takes her advices and start a work in a small stock market with no any super technology that could support its employees’ performance. But, there is an interesting thing that makes he want to work in that place, the new place that he work give 50% of stock that people buy, so much different with the old one that just give 1% of it. So, gladly he starts
his really first day and just in a call, he gets $2,000 already.

Review Film Bagus – The Wolf of Wall Street
After a month he has work in that place, he makes $72,000 and has a new yellow Jaguar. Of course, he has gets a new life. One day, when he getsp his meal in a dinner place, he meets a man names Donnie Azoff. He comes from nowhere and asks him about how much salary that he gets from his job that makes him able purchasing his money to bought a Jaguar. With no any doubt, Jordan tells him if he is working as stock broker. So, rights in that time, Donnie resign from his job and decides to join Jordan become a stock broker. His adventure starts from that point. He stops to work from his new workplace and decides to make his own office. Month by months there are some people come and apply for job. He accepts them one by one and after he realizes that his new group will become bigger, he makes a name for his new little company names Stratton Oakmont. After some years over, his company becomes a really big stock market and he decides to move the office into Wall Street.

Review Film Bagus – The Wolf of Wall Street
It is really uncontrollable, and he too excited to develop his big company and finally he’s got what he wants. One day, an epithet “The Wolf of Wall Street” given by Forbes to Jordan right in the next day after he agrees to held an exclusive interview with one of its people. The really first time he is not agrees and get angry. But, his amazing wife says to him if it is okay and actually, The Wolf of Wall Street is pretty good for him. Luckily, he agrees and starts to let people argue about himself. The next day when he arrives in his office, so many people apply for job to his company. But, he is not the one who accepts people easily. So many things that he puts on someone when he wants to pick them up into the company. 

Review Film Bagus – The Wolf of Wall Street
As human being, naturally it has an unsatisfied feeling on what it has. Always wants more is not avoidable. It is also felt by Jordan. He is already become the most rich people that cannot effort himself to make the most expensive house in America, some luxurious cars, maids, butler, and everything. Until one day, he gets affair with another woman names Naomi and married her, of course after he divorces his old wife, Teresa. After his weeding, he even can effort to purchase buy a yacht for his new wife. After years, he has got a baby from his marriage. Another thing that slowly turning him become a bad guy, he plays tricky trick on his profession. To make additional profit, he makes a system called IPO, nation public offers that for the first time sell to the public and sell it gain to another firm as washing money. Yes, of course from the name we could now that it is an illegal thing to do, especially for a big stock market like he has. 

Review Film Bagus – The Wolf of Wall Street
Bad thing always be around by another bad thing. Unluckily, a special biro agent names Denham comes to investigate him that he suspect that Jordan plays a dirty system in his company and followed his line in public service by make some record tracking between his company stock profit and its interest. Stupidly, Jordan tries to bribe Denham as an existing federal officer. After that, Denham more excited and been motivated by Jordan’s stupidity to finish his case that already close with the ending. Knowing that, Jordan takes a step to hide his money in Swiss, a country with the most powerful protection system of its bank. However, cause of there is no any unites between United States and Swiss it is not easy to move his money from New York to Swiss. Smartly, he’s get some idea from his friend to asks for other people help that has Swiss visa and passport to bring his money time by time after $27,000,000 moved from New York to Swiss. Finally, in a couple week, $27,000,000 moved. 

Review Film Bagus – The Wolf of Wall Street
It is close with the ending, there is drug addicted trouble happens to him. His wife also asks for divorce because of his madness and his crazy treatment to his family. Violence in family happens and a little bit hot conversation as debate happens. Uncontrollable situation cannot be control by him. The other bad thing happens, he is under arrest because of Denham already has enough prove to take him into jail. Some offers offered by another federal officer, if he able to bring another guilty man in his company, his punishment will be vanish into 7 years from 20. He pretends to accepts it. But, unluckily it known by Denham, and finally, He has got into jail being a prisoner with 20 years period of detention.

Duration: 02:59:50
Genre: Biography, Comedy, Crime
Cast: Leonardo Dicaprio, Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle Chandler, Jon Bernthal, Rob Reiner
Rate: ★★★★★

For You: hxxp://
Subtitle: hxxp://


  1. Kta ny bagus ni film nya... itu link ny xx diganti tt kan ya?

    1. iya cuy, tt ny d ganti xx,,, ceritanya menghindari piracy policy google engine nya ;)
